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Maintaining Roller Shutters for Sports Clubs


Sports clubs and leagues frequently use roller shutters to provide the necessary security for their venues. The shutters may be used indoors and out.

Inside, the roller shutters cover concession stands and areas that are closed to the general public. These are necessary to prevent anyone from getting into the shops during the wait for the game.

Outside the venue, people will find the way blocked by roller shutters until the venue is open. This also prevents anyone from breaking the glass on the main doors. In the case of a riot, it’s possible to stop anyone from getting in by lowering the shutters. These also help prevent fires from the outside and can give an added layer of protection to other methods.


Roller Shutter Maintenance

To keep your roller shutters in excellent condition, you should follow these tips:

Clean Regularly

It’s important to keep your shutters clean since they can become jammed if they have dust and debris caught in the slats. To prevent any difficulties, aim to clean them as soon as possible if you notice debris catching on them.

Apart from obvious grime, you should set the shutters to open and then spray them down with a hose to clear out most of the dust. Use a sponge with warm, soapy water to wipe the shutters down from top to bottom, then rinse thoroughly so there is no soap residue left.

Lubricate Carefully

Sometimes, you may need to add some lubricant to the roller shutters to ensure they continue to roll smoothly. Just be sure to avoid anything that has silicon in it or anything that may be sticky. These can end up causing more problems and jamming the rollers. Add a small amount of anti-static lubricant to the clips and guides to ensure smooth operating.

Once a year, you should also grease the bearings to prevent rust and difficulty with movement.

Your roller shutters should last at least a decade if they are properly cared for, but you can contact Sunrise Shopfronts & Shutters if you need to schedule ongoing maintenance. We can also repair your shutters for you or replace them.

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